Featured Categories
Joist Hangers
We carry a wide selection of Simpson Strong-Tie® solid sawn joist hangers, Beam Hangers,...
Simpson Post Caps & Bases
Simpson Post Brackets Product Walkthrough Post bracket connectors, encompassing various caps and...
Concrete Screws
Concrete Screws, also known as masonry screws, are strong, reliable, and convenient Concrete...
Wedge Anchors
Wedge anchors are a unique type of concrete anchors, designed to anchor...
Metal Roofing Screws
Purchase Metal Roofing Screws at Fasteners Plus Metal roofing screws are essential...
Construction Screws
Construction Screws come in all shapes and sizes. Not all applications are...
Metal Roof Boots
Purchase Metal Roof Pipe Boots from Fasteners Plus Metal roof pipe boots...
Threaded Rod
Threaded rod is very versatile for many indoor and outdoor applications. All-thread...
Outdoor Accents
The Outdoor Accents line of connectors from Simpson Strong-Tie combines beauty and...

Threaded rod is very versatile for many indoor and outdoor applications. Available in Stainless Steel, A307, Grade B7, Hot Dip Galvanized, and Plain Finish.