Plated Truss Hangers are available in several different options depending on your specific application requirements. These are specifically designed to support plated trusses and beams to provide a secure connection to your frame and structure.
THA/THAC/THAR/L - Truss Hangers. These adjustable truss hangers come in a number of styles and configurations, providing flexibility for any applications.
THASR/L - Adjustable Hangers. These versatile U-shaped truss hangers combine the height adjustability of the THA hanger, with added field adjustability for maximum flexibility for the installer.
THGQ/THGQH/HTHGQ - Girder Hangers. THGQ Girder Hangers are a lower-cost alternative to bolted hangers for multi-ply girder trusses.
THGB/THGBH - Truss Girder Hangers. These are high-capacity, welded truss girder hangers designed for attaching multi-ply girder trusses.
LTH/THJ - Multiple-Truss Hip/Jack Hangers. This series of Simpson connectors are great for a range of hips and hip jack configurations allowing for ease in installation and cost effective options.
HTU - Face Mount Truss Hangers. Designed specifically for shallow heel heights, the HTU face-mount truss hanger can function with heel heights as low as 3-7/8”.
GBC - Gable Brace Connectors. A GBC Gable Brace Connector provides a strong, durable, and tested connection for stability bracing to the top of a gable end wall.
TJC - Jack Truss Connectors. Simpson TJC jack truss connectors are versatile connectors for jack trusses, adjustable from 0° to 85° with nail hole locations that allow for easy installation.
DSC - Drag Strut Connectors. Drag-strut connectors transfer the diaphragm shear forces from the girder truss or beam to the shearwalls.
TSBR - Truss Spacer Restraints. These lateral-restraint products help meet the prescriptive recommendations of the WTCA/TPI. They firmly grip the trusses, capture on-center spacing, and keep them vertical and plum after placement.
TSF - Truss Spacers. Simpson TSF truss spacers are a fast and accurate method for spacing trusses. They eliminate layout marking on top of plates and can remain in place under the sheathing.
Don’t see the plated truss hangers you’re looking for? We have access to the full lineup of Simpson Strong-Tie plated truss hangers that are available for special order upon request. Call one of our knowledgeable product specialists at 888-794-1590 for any product or special order questions today!